The Sonic Earth

Conversations between humans and Trees in the language of music.

Lore in many cultures tells us of the wisdom of the  Trees, of sacred relationships and conversations with trees. Those days may seem like a lost myth, but it wasn't so long ago.  What have we forgotten?  If it was true then, could it be true now? Can we still hear the trees if we try?

The Sonic Earth is a project exploring conversations between humans and trees, in the languages of music and dance.  The Trees of the Cairns Botanic Gardens have been major collaborators and we've found that they have a lot to say!

"When we tune in, deeply, we can hear the vibration of the trees. When we bring our musicianship to the table and really collaborate - listening carefully to bring the Trees' music to light, we are gifted with a wealth of gorgeous music.

"There is an amazing crew working on The Sonic Earth project - musicians, dancers, artists, film artists, students, researchers... creating stunning new pieces, working with the vibrations, stories and characters of the trees.  

"There are always so many questions coming up, more than we can answer, which is what keeps the project so exciting.  We're learning about the characters of the plants, their emotional states, their health.  The Paperbarks are a soft and loving family, Palms are fabulous musicians, and saplings giggle as children do.

Thanks to generous support by Tanks Arts Centre & Cairns Botanic Gardens, RADF Regional Arts Development Fund, Cairns Regional Council, CQU Central Queensland University, JCU James Cook University, Bonemap, Get A Move On! Michele Goeldi, Naomi Jean, Sunyata, Chedwa Whyte, Kuranda TV. Sung in Gimuy, Yidinji Country.